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The green backyard of Venice
The highlights of Sacile:
  • Palazzo Ragazzoni
  • The Livenza river
  • Piazza del Popolo
  • Chiesa di Santa Maria della Pietà
  • Duomo San Nicolò

They call it 'Il Giardino della Serenissima' or the 'Garden of the Serenissima' / Republic of Venice', thanks to the Venetian atmosphere that you can breath here walking through the many small streets and squares throughout the city. In the 16th century many wealthy Venetian families began to invest their money in beautiful villas and estates on the mainland. Navigating the Livenza river which runs through Sacile they could easily reach this area and it didn't take long before Sacile got this nickname. Lovely gardens and parks were made because due to the lack of space in Venice itself,the Venetians couldn't built them there. 


Sacile is easy to visit in half a day. As you wander through its streets and over the many bridges you will notice how green it is and how many canals there are. The many green weeping willows are a feast for the eye and create beautiful pictures.



Starting at the main square 'Piazza del Popolo' you can easily reach by foot the various attractions. Such as the "Palazzo Ragazzoni Flanging Biglia" named after the many noble families who lived here. Inside the "Hall of the Emperors" you can see six beautiful frescoes from the 16th century which almost look like an antique comic strip. They show how the Count Giacomo Ragazzoni travels across Europe visiting Royal Houses or other important personalities. He did this to lobby but also to spy with the goal to increase the trade between Venice and these countries.


Other attractions are the Cathedral of San Nicolò and the smaller church "Chiesa di Santa Maria della Pietà" named after the statue of the Madonna grieving for her son Jesus Christ.



Are you happen to be in Sacile on the first Sunday after the national holiday of August the 15th, then you're in luck. On that day the annual bird market / exhibition is taking place. This "Sagra dei Osei" is a very old tradition where you can admire birds in all shapes and sizes.


Good to combine with one of the following sights:
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